Introducing the Safe and Sound Protocol


The Safe and Sound Protocol is a research-based intervention that has given significant results in reducing stress and anxiety and improving the well-being of people of all ages. I undertook the training and have been administering the protocol during the first ‘lockdown’ clients weren’t able to do neurofeedback and I looked around for the most reliable, evidence based best intervention to enhance resilience and reduce stress. I was so delighted to find this and to integrate it into my practice. Since I have taken it on, I oversee around 10-15 clients at any one point going through the process, some of them my own psychotherapy clients, during our sessions. For the majority it has been pleasantly relaxing, calming and co-regulating, for some it has proved too much and they have left the programme to work on themselves first, and for others it has led to some extraordinary learning and opportunity, a real step forward in their healing journey. Some return for top ups to deepen the process (this is a redo of hours '3-5)

What is it?

Developed by Dr. Stephen Porges, the Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) is a five hour auditory intervention which is spread out over several weeks or months. (Slow to get there fast!) It works best with those who have a safe and supportive home and work environment, or who are already in therapy. You download an App and listen on headphones to ‘filtered’ music whilst doing some relaxing activity such as drawing, knitting, doing a jigsaw, handling playdoh.

You probably first listen to SSP Connect - the playlist of music with no ‘filtering’ and also short sessions of lightly filtered Mozart for a few weeks. You then will move to SSP Core - which is the music that actively ‘trains’ your cranial nerve and inner ear muscles. How long each session is done according to what’s best for you - 10 half hour sessions, 20 fifteen minute ones, one or two songs a week for nearly a year… whatever works and whatever time scale. Some people do it in consecutive days but for most of my clients sessions are spread out to 3 a week - or even less. I’m there to support you, either being with you the whole process to co-regulate or you might decide to have a trusted other take over, with more support from me via text.

A great majority of people benefit. Its had good results for those who find it hard to relax, or who are stuck and struggling, and neuro diverse folk, those who are disconnected and numb… amongst others.

Based on Dr. Porges’ Polyvagal Theory, by calming the physiological and emotional state, the door is opened for improved communication and more successful therapy.

The SSP is a research-based therapy showing significant results in just five hours in the following areas:

  • Social and emotional difficulties

  • Auditory sensitivities

  • Anxiety and trauma related challenges

  • Inattention

  • Stressors that impact social engagement

It uses filtered music to encourage the subconscious nervous system that connects the brain and body to reset. This calms the stress system out of its "fight, flight or freeze" response. The brain and body can then work in a more balanced way which makes coping with the stresses and strains of everyday life and engaging socially with others easier.

How does it work?

The SSP uses the auditory system as a portal to the vagus complex, which controls our physiological state. Once physiological state is regulated, we can accelerate or enhance subsequent therapy.

Based on Dr. Porges’ Polyvagal Theory, the program is derived from nearly four decades of research on the relationship between the autonomic nervous system and social-emotional processes. It is designed to stimulate nervous system regulation by exercising and systematically challenging the auditory system with specifically processed music.

The music trains the auditory pathways by focusing on the frequency envelope of human speech. As you learn to process these speech-related frequencies, you improve the functioning of two cranial nerves that are important for promoting overall social behaviour. Cranial Nerve VII (Facial Nerve) helps you focus on human voice and tune out irrelevant frequencies. Cranial Nerve X (Vagus Nerve) enables self-soothing and autonomic regulation.

Following successful completion of the intervention, you’ll likely be better able to focus in therapy, and everyday life and experience a calmed emotional and physiological state.  This is based on studies that suggest that skills such as attention, state regulation and the ability to engage socially will be enhanced.

How much does it cost?

As I would be supporting you throughout, the cost is the same as my usual therapy charge. So the 5 hour programme (taken over a much longer timeline - generally several months) varies considerably in cost depending on my presence during your listening and occasional contact outside sessions. Sometimes you might want to bring in your trusted family member or friend, in which case I would like to spend time online coaching this person to support you whilst you listen. Sometimes top ups are necessary. As you’ve been through it before the top ups are reduced in price, though I will remain open to contact. In November 2021 I am launching group witnessing groups online for those who enjoy connection with others in groups. I also have trained up a few practitioners to be a compassionate ‘witness’ for those of you who would like to work with someone but for whatever reason need to find their witness outside their circle

Read Dr. Porges’ SSP research

Here are a few links so you can learn more!

Seth Porges reliable, fact filled, fun and interesting science lesson on Polyvagal Theory:

Dr Porges summarising the Safe and Sound Protocol:

Autumn clearly explaining what happens in a Safe and Sound session :

‘Abundant life’ summarising the SSP

Testimonial of the efficacy of SSP by a man suffering from complex trauma

Testimonial of SSP by a mother of a 5 year old child with complex needs

Results ‘18 months on’

Do give me a ring or send me a message and lets see if we can do this Protocol together.

Warm wishes



Room for therapy?


'All Parts Are Welcome'. My new IFS Artwork