What is IFS?


If you have ever said ‘part of my feels X.. and another part feels Y’ then you are already on the way! We meet your voices/parts and your deeper Self (that place within us which is calm, clear, creative, connected and compassionate), so that we can listen better to them, help them and come into harmony. It’s creative, sometimes fun, really interesting and engaging for most clients, also trauma aware, deep, healing and proven to work. Please see below for a 20 min intro to IFS I did in one of the Stroud IFS informed Drop Ins or click on the link for a longer written introduction https://www.stroudtherapy.com/news/whatisifs

What do I do?

In IFS my role is to be a facilitator, a friendly guide there for you and your parts, as you get to know your ‘internal system’, there to help you ask good questions which lead to system changes, unburdening and healing.

What’s after?

I work long and short term, once you've learnt IFS basic protocols you can practice quite a bit on your own, and come back for some more intricate areas.  Or carry on for the journey, for the ride, going ever deeper into your system and become increasingly Self led.

Monthly Drop In

 Come and join me, if it feels right to you, for some Internal Family systems community time in person in Stroud. “Drop In” and make space for your courageous compassionate Self and make friends with your inner Parts, and connect with others too. As we say in IFS ‘all parts are welcome’ 🙏💕 and Self energy is catching! Looking forward to seeing some of you there

The first hour is a welcome, and then a talk my me, based on a subject of interest to the group about IFS. It includes a basic overview of the model and then we dive into the topic which is different each month. I’m not an expert and also not a staff member of the IFS Institute. I like researching and teaching, it helps me embed my knowledge. I’m passionate about this model, and it’s also my way of being in service to my community. One of the suggestions on Level 3 is ‘creating a small Self Led community’ so here we are.

After the topic talk.. We have a little break and then we make some open hearted space for a brave volunteer to work one to one with me, in a ‘demo’ for 10-15 minutes or so and then some sharing and listening time in small groups. Finally, a return to the larger group for questions and a closing word from each of us.

We meet in the big meeting room at The Exchange on Brick Row in Stroud. Close to Church street car park. https://www.theexchangestroud.org.uk/about/index.html It’s very accessible, there’s a ramp and disabled loos etc. please see itinerary below

10.30am -12.30pm for the Saturday ones and 9.30am-11.30am Wednesdays.

It is donation based, suggested £5 -£10: after room hire (£30) proceeds go to the Long Table https://www.thelongtableonline.com we raised way over £1000 for them in 2023. Pop some extra money in if you’d like a Parts Mapping starter pack

Do have a look at https://ifs-institute.com for more information about Internal Family Systems