An Inner Collective of Me’s

So a Christmas pressie to me.

I had a local photoshop whizz do me a collective of me at various ages. I was enchanted by Stan Einhorn’s collective unburdening protocol at this years IFS Conference. It’s been deeply awe inspiring to do this protocol with clients and myself, and I wanted to create something to give me and my clients a physical creation of the flavour of it.

The bare bones of the protocol is that you invite any younger versions of yourself that share that a similar emotional experience to join you in a safe and nurturing space. Interoceptively, they can meet and speak to each other, and together they create a collective ritual for releasing anything that’s holding them back, any burdens that they’re carrying. So this might look like feeding the fire or throwing them in the sea, or going for a swim. Collectively witnessing the release and then taking in positive and healing energy.

I got the initial idea for the photoshopping from this: We’re going to do more, individual ones too 😊

Here it is! I wonder what you think?


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Becoming an Apprentice of Grief